Monday 15 November 2021

DAY 10 -- 087 Al -A'la


JUZ Amma Every Month. V.33


JUZ Amma Every Month

78. An-Naba’ ............Day 01
79. An-Nazi’at 
80. ‘Abasa 
81. At-Takwir 
82. Al-Infitar 
83. Al-Mutaffifin 
84. Al-Inshiqaq 
85. Al-Buruj 
86. At-Tariq 
87. Al-A’la 
88. Al-Ghashiyah 
89. Al-Fajr 
90. Al-Balad 
91. Ash-Shams 
92. Al-Layl 
93. Adh-Dhuha 
94. Al-Inshirah 
95. At-Tin 
96. Al-‘Alaq 
97. Al-Qadar 
98. Al-Bayinah 
99. Az-Zalzalah 
100. Al-‘Adiyah 
101. Al-Qari’ah 
102. At-Takathur
103. Al-‘Asr 
104. Al-Humazah 
105. Al-Fil 
106. Quraish 
107. Al-Ma’un .............Day 30
108. Al-Kauthar ..Day 30
109. Al-Kafirun 
110. An-Nasr 
111. Al-Masad 
112. Al-Ikhlas 
113. Al-Falaq 
114. An-Nas ..........Day 30


87. Al -A'la ----Day 10


Saturday 13 November 2021

JUZ Amma Every Month


JUZ Amma Every Month

78. An-Naba’ (the Great News)..........Day 01
79. An-Nazi’at (Those Who Pull Out)..
Day 02
80. ‘Abasa (He Frowned)........
 Day 03
81. At-Takwir (the Overthrowing)......
 Day 04
82. Al-Infitar (the Cleaving)................
 Day 05
83. Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud...
 Day 06
84. Al-Inshiqaq (the Splitting Asunder).......
 Day 07
85. Al-Buruj (the Stars)..............
 Day 08
86. At-Tariq (the Nightcomer)  ..........
 Day 09
87. Al-A’la (the Most High). ...........
 Day 10
88. Al-Ghashiyah (the Overwhelming).......
 Day 11
89. Al-Fajr (the Dawn)...............
Day 12
90. Al-Balad (the City)................ Day  13
91. Ash-Shams (the Sun)...............
 Day  14
92. Al-Layl (the Night)...................
 Day   15
93. Adh-Dhuha (the Foroon)..............
 Day  16
94. Al-Inshirah (the Opening  Forth...
 Day  17
95. At-Tin (the Fig).....................
 Day  18
96. Al-‘Alaq.......................
 Day 19
97. Al-Qadar (the Night of Decree) ....
 Day 20
98. Al-Bayinah (the Proof)...............
 Day 21
99. Az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake) ...
 Day 22
100. Al-‘Adiyah (the Runners)........
 Day 23
101. Al-Qari’ah (the Striking Hour) ....
 Day 24
102. At-Takathur (the Piling Up) .....
 Day 25
103. Al-‘.................................
 Day 26
104. Al-Humazah (the Slanderer) ....
 Day 27
105. Al-Fil (the Elephant)...........
 Day 28
106. Quraish (Quraish)............
 Day 29
107. Al-Ma’un (the Assistance).......Day 30
108. Al-Kauthar (the River of Abundance) ...Day 30
109. Al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers)......
 Day 30
110. An-Nasr (the Help).....................
 Day 30
111. Al-Masad (the Palm Fiber)......
 Day 30
112. Al-Ikhlas (the Sincerity)..............
 Day 30
113. Al-Falaq (the Daybreak)..............
 Day 30
114. An-Nas (Mankind).............Day 30

JUZ Amma Every Month


JUZ Amma Every Month

78. An-Naba’ (the Great News).............Day 01
79. An-Nazi’at (Those Who Pull Out)
80. ‘Abasa (He Frowned)
81. At-Takwir (the Overthrowing)
82. Al-Infitar (the Cleaving)
83. Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud)
84. Al-Inshiqaq (the Splitting Asunder)
85. Al-Buruj (the Stars)
86. At-Tariq (the Nightcomer)
87. Al-A’la (the Most High)
88. Al-Ghashiyah (the Overwhelming)
89. Al-Fajr (the Dawn)
90. Al-Balad (the City)
91. Ash-Shams (the Sun)
92. Al-Layl (the Night)
93. Adh-Dhuha (the Forenoon)
94. Al-Inshirah (the Opening Forth)
95. At-Tin (the Fig)
96. Al-‘Alaq (the Clot)
97. Al-Qadar (the Night of Decree)
98. Al-Bayinah (the Proof)
99. Az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake)
100. Al-‘Adiyah (the Runners)
101. Al-Qari’ah (the Striking Hour)
102. At-Takathur (the Piling Up)
103. Al-‘Asr (the Time)
104. Al-Humazah (the Slanderer)
105. Al-Fil (the Elephant)
106. Quraish (Quraish)
107. Al-Ma’un (the Assistance).............Day 30
108. Al-Kauthar (the River of Abundance)...Day 30
109. Al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers)
110. An-Nasr (the Help)
111. Al-Masad (the Palm Fiber)
112. Al-Ikhlas (the Sincerity)
113. Al-Falaq (the Daybreak)
114. An-Nas (Mankind).............Day 30


JUZ Amma Every Month


JUZ Amma Every Month

78. An-Naba’ (the Great News).............Day 01
79. An-Nazi’at (Those Who Pull Out)
80. ‘Abasa (He Frowned)
81. At-Takwir (the Overthrowing)
82. Al-Infitar (the Cleaving)
83. Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud)
84. Al-Inshiqaq (the Splitting Asunder)
85. Al-Buruj (the Stars)
86. At-Tariq (the Nightcomer)
87. Al-A’la (the Most High)
88. Al-Ghashiyah (the Overwhelming)
89. Al-Fajr (the Dawn)
90. Al-Balad (the City)
91. Ash-Shams (the Sun)
92. Al-Layl (the Night)
93. Adh-Dhuha (the Forenoon)
94. Al-Inshirah (the Opening Forth)
95. At-Tin (the Fig)
96. Al-‘Alaq (the Clot)
97. Al-Qadar (the Night of Decree)
98. Al-Bayinah (the Proof)
99. Az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake)
100. Al-‘Adiyah (the Runners)
101. Al-Qari’ah (the Striking Hour)
102. At-Takathur (the Piling Up)
103. Al-‘Asr (the Time)
104. Al-Humazah (the Slanderer)
105. Al-Fil (the Elephant)
106. Quraish (Quraish)
107. Al-Ma’un (the Assistance).............Day 30
108. Al-Kauthar (the River of Abundance)...Day 30
109. Al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers)
110. An-Nasr (the Help)
111. Al-Masad (the Palm Fiber)
112. Al-Ikhlas (the Sincerity)
113. Al-Falaq (the Daybreak)
114. An-Nas (Mankind).............Day 30


Friday 12 November 2021

Hadith on Manners: Respectful to elders, merciful to children


Hadith on Manners: Respectful to elders, merciful to children

Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever does not show mercy to our young ones, or acknowledge the rights of our elders, is not one of us.

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 7073

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Ahmad Shakir


081: Surah Takwir


Hadith on 99 Names: Whoever acts upon them enters Paradise


Hadith on 99 Names: Whoever acts upon them enters Paradise

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah has ninety-nine names. Whoever preserves them will enter Paradise.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7392, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2677

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ لِلَّهِ تِسْعَةٌ وَتِسْعُونَ اسْمًا مَنْ حَفِظَهَا دَخَلَ الْجَنَّةَ

7392 صحيح البخاري كتاب التوحيد باب إن لله مائة اسم إلا واحدا

2677 صحيح مسلم كتاب الذكر والدعاء والتوبة والاستغفار باب في أسماء الله تعالى

Thursday 11 November 2021

Monthly Surahs. JUZ Amma

Muharram... 78 , 114 , 113 ,
Safar.......... 79 , 112 , 111
R.awwal...... 80 , 110 ,109
R.Thani .. 81 108 , 107 ,106 
J.awwa... 82 ,  105 , 104
Jhani ........ 83 ,  103 , 102
Rajab ..........  84 ,  101 , 100
Sha'aban ........ 85 , 99 , 98
Ramadhan ....... 86 , 97 , 96
Shawwal .......... 87 , 95 , 94
Dhul Qadah.... 88 , 93 , 92
Dhul Hijjah ......  89 , 91 ,90

Monthly Surahs. JUZ Amma

 Monthly Surahs. JUZ Amma


Muharram... 78 , 114 , 113 ,

Safar............... 79 , 112 , 111

R.awwal........... 80 , 110 ,109

R.Thani ............ 81 , 108 , 107 , 106

J.awwal ........... 82 ,  105 , 104

J.Thani ............ 83 ,  103 , 102

Rajab ......  84 ,  101 , 100

Sha'aban ........ 85 , 99 , 98

Ramadhan ....... 86 , 97 , 96

Shawwal .......... 87 , 95 , 9
Dhul Qadah.... 88 , 93 , 92

Dhul Hijjah ......  89 , 91 ,90


After Maghrib and Before isha

 After Maghrib and Before isha


One Surah  every Month.
One Surah  every Month

Sunday 31 October 2021




Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be returned?" (115) So exalted is Allah, the Sovereign, the Truth; there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Noble Throne. (116) And whoever invokes besides Allah another deity for which he has no proof - then his account is only with his Lord. Indeed, the disbelievers will not succeed. (117) And, [O Muhammad], say, "My Lord, forgive and have mercy, and You are the best of the merciful." (118)

Al Quran Surah 23:115--117


Tuesday 19 October 2021

Surah Al Layl. 92; 1-21 | About | 
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Recent Verses: 92:1-21
 Surah Al-Layl 92:1-21 [1/1] 
بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِوَالَّيۡلِ اِذَا يَغۡشٰىۙ‏ 
(92:1) By the night when it enshrouds,
وَالنَّهَارِ اِذَا تَجَلّٰىۙ‏ 
(92:2) and by the day when it breaks in its glory,
وَمَا خَلَقَ الذَّكَرَ وَالۡاُنۡثٰٓىۙ‏ 
(92:3) and by Him Who created the male and the female:
اِنَّ سَعۡيَكُمۡ لَشَتّٰىؕ‏ 
(92:4) surely your strivings are divergent.1

1. This is that for which an oath has been sworn by the night and the day, and the creation of the male and the female. It means to say: Just as the night and the day, and the male and the female, are different from each other, and their effects and results are mutually contradictory, so are the aims and objects for which men are endeavoring and struggling; different in their nature and contradictory with regard to their results. In the following verses, it has been told that all these divided endeavors are divided into two main kinds.

فَاَمَّا مَنۡ اَعۡطٰى وَاتَّقٰىۙ‏ 
(92:5) As for him who gave out his wealth (for Allah's sake) and abstained (from disobeying Him),
وَصَدَّقَ بِالۡحُسۡنٰىۙ‏ 
(92:6) and affirmed the Truth of goodness:2

2. This is the first kind of endeavors, which includes three things, and a little consideration shows that they comprehend all virtues:

(1) That man should refrain from wealth-worship, but should spend whatever Allah has given him generously in rendering Allah’s and His servants’ rights, for good works and for helping others.

(2) That he should fear God and refrain from things which cause His displeasure in his moral, social, economic and other dealings with the people.

(3) That he should believe in goodness. Goodness is a comprehensive word, which includes goodness of belief, morals and acts. Goodness of belief means that one should give up polytheism, atheism, and disbelief, and affirm faith in Tauhid, the Hereafter and Prophethood. Affirming belief in goodness of morals and acts is that one should not be doing good and right merely unconsciously, outside a definite system, but one should acknowledge as right and sound the system of goodness which God has sent, which combines every kind of goodness in all its forms and aspects into a system comprehensively called the divine shariah.

فَسَنُيَسِّرُهٗ لِلۡيُسۡرٰىؕ‏ 
(92:7) We shall facilitate for him the Way to Bliss.3

3. This is the result of the first kind of endeavoring and struggling. The easy way implies the way which is in accordance with human nature, which is in accordance with the will of the Creator, Who has created man and the whole universe. It is a way in which man has not to fight his conscience, in which he does not have to force his faculties of mind and energies of body into doing works for which they are not given but to do things for which they have actually been given him. It is a way in which man has not to experience war, resistance and conflict on every side, which he has to experience in a life full of sin, but a human society in which at every step he experiences peace and concord, appreciation and honor. Obviously, the person who spends his wealth for public welfare, treats every other person kindly and well, whose life is free from crime, sin and immorality, who is righteous and fair in his dealings, who neither cheats others nor proves false in his promises, from whom no one apprehends dishonesty, injustice and excess, and with whose character no one finds any fault, will in any case be honored and respected in any society, however, corrupt and depraved it may be. Hearts will be attracted towards him in esteem and regard; his own heart and conscience will be satisfied, and he will attain to dignity in society which no immoral person can ever attain. This same thing has been expressed in Surah An-Nahl, thus: Whoever does righteous deeds whether male or female, provided that he is a believer, We will surely grant him to live a pure life in this world (verse 97), and in Surah Maryam, thus: The Merciful will fill with love the hearts of those who believe and do righteous deeds (verse 96). This then is the way in which there is nothing but joy and tranquility for man, for the world till the Hereafter. Its results are not transient and temporary but eternal and everlasting.

Concerning this Allah says: We shall facilitate for him the easy way. It means to say: When after affirming goodness he decides that this way alone suits him, and the evil way does not suit him, and when by making sacrifices and adopting the life of taqva practically he proves that he is true in his affirmation, Allah will make easy for him to walk this way. Then, to commit evil will become difficult for him, and to do good easy. When unlawful wealth comes before him, he will not regard it as a good bargain, but consider it a hot piece of burning coal, which he cannot hold in his hand. When opportunities for sin appear before him, he will not rush to seize them as opportunities for pleasure and enjoyment, but will look upon them as gates to Hell and will flee from them. The Prayer will not be hard for him, but he will have no internal peace until he has performed it at its appointed time. He will not feel hurt when paying the Zakat, but will regard his wealth as impure until he has paid out the Zakat from it. In short, at every step, Allah will favor him with His grace and help him to follow this way; conditions will be made favorable for him and he will be helped out of every difficulty.

Now, the question arises that in Surah Al-Balad, this very way has been called an uphill road, and here it has been described as an easy way. How can the two things be reconciled? The answer is that before a man has adopted this way, it appears to be a steep, uphill road, for ascending which he has to fight his desires, his materialistic members of the family, his relatives, his friends and those with whom he has social and other dealings, and above all Satan, for each one of them obstructs his way, and makes it seem dreadful. But after man has affirmed goodness and resolved to follow this way, and giving away his wealth in the cause of God and adopting the way of taqva, has practically strengthened his resolve, ascending the steep road becomes easy and slipping into the abyss of moral depravities becomes difficult for him. 8

وَاَمَّا مَنۡۢ بَخِلَ وَاسۡتَغۡنٰىۙ‏ 
(92:8) As for him who was a miser and behaved with aversion (to Allah),
وَكَذَّبَ بِالۡحُسۡنٰىۙ‏ 
(92:9) and denied the Truth of goodness:4

4. This is the second kind of human endeavoring, which in every part of it is different from the corresponding part of the first kind. Niggardliness (bukhl) is not merely the niggardliness because of which people generally regard a person as niggardly if he hoards money: neither spends it on himself nor on his children, but bukhl here implies to refrain from spending in the cause of Allah and public welfare. According to this, niggardly is every person who spends generously, rather squanders money, on his self, for his own ease and comfort, interests and enjoyments, but, as for a good cause, spends nothing, or, if at all, he spends anything, it is for display, or to win a reputation and name, or to have access to officers, or to obtain some benefit and gain. Independence of God implies that one should make worldly, material benefits only the object of all his endeavoring and strivings and being independent of God should least care to see what pleases Him and what displeases Him. As for belying goodness, it is in sharp contrast to believing in goodness in every detail, therefore, it need not be explained here as it has already been explained above.

فَسَنُيَسِّرُهٗ لِلۡعُسۡرٰىؕ‏ 
(92:10) We shall facilitate for him the way to Hardship,5

5. This way has been called the hard way, for although the one who follows it, does so for the sake of material benefits, worldly enjoyments and superficial successes, yet while following it he is always at war with his nature, his conscience, the laws made by the Creator of the universe and the society in which he lives. When he transgresses all moral limits of truth, honesty, nobility, purity and chastity, and endeavors to satisfy his interests and desires in every way, when the people feel harmed by him rather than benefiting from him, and when he encroaches upon the rights of others and violates people’s honor, he feels disgraced in his own eyes and has to clash at every step with the society in which he lives. If he is weak, he has to suffer every kind of punishment on account of his conduct, and if he is wealthy, strong and influential, the world may lie low before him, but no one cherishes any good wishes, any feeling of honor and love for him; so much so that even his associates and companions regard him as a wicked man. And this thing is not only restricted to individuals, even when a strong and powerful nation transgresses the bounds of morality and adopts an immoral conduct, in arrogance of pride and wealth, it earns on the one hand, the enmity of the outside world: on the other, its own society falls a victim to all sorts of crime, prevalence of suicide, intoxication, venereal diseases, destruction of family life, waywardness of the new generation, class conflict and ever-increasing injustice and tyranny. So much so that when it falls from its position of prestige, it leaves nothing behind except curses and condemnation for itself in the history of the world.

As for saying that: So We shall make smooth for him the path of difficulty, it means: We shall facilitate for him the hard ways. He will be deprived of the grace to follow the way of good, gates of evil will be opened up for him, means and resources for the same will be provided for him, doing evil will become easy, and doing good will become toilsome and risky for him. This same theme has been expressed at another place in the Quran, thus: So whomever Allah wills to guide aright, He makes his breast wide open to Islam, and whomever He wills to let go astray, he makes his breast narrow and squeezes it so tightly that (at the very idea of Islam) he begins to feel as though his soul were climbing up towards the sky. (Surah Al-Anaam, Ayat125). At another place it has been said: No doubt, Salat is a hard task but not for the obedient servants. (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 46). And about the hypocrites it has been said: When they come to offer the Salat, they come reluctantly and they spend in the way of Allah with unwilling hearts. (Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 54), and that: There are such among them who regard what they spend in the way of Allah as a penalty. (Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 98).

وَمَا يُغۡنِىۡ عَنۡهُ مَالُهٗۤ اِذَا تَرَدّٰىؕ‏ 
(92:11) and his wealth shall be of no avail to him when he perishes.6

6. In other words it means that he has to die one day and leave behind in the world whatever he had amassed for his ease and enjoyment. If he did not earn and send forward something for the Hereafter, what would this wealth avail him? He will not take his palatial residence, his majestic conveyance, his property and wealth into the grave.

اِنَّ عَلَيۡنَا لَـلۡهُدٰىۖ‏ 
(92:12) Surely it is for Us to show the Right Way,7

7. That is, Allah as the Creator of man has on the basis of His wisdom, His justice and His mercy, taken on Himself the responsibility not to leave him uninformed in the world, but to tell him what is the right way and what are the wrong ways, what is good and what is evil, what is lawful and what is unlawful, what attitude and conduct will make him an obedient servant and what attitude and conduct will make him a disobedient servant. This same thing has been expressed in Surah An-Nahl, thus: Allah has taken upon Himself to show the right way, when there are also crooked ways. (verse 9 Also see E.N. 9 of Surah An-Nahl).

وَاِنَّ لَـنَا لَـلۡاٰخِرَةَ وَالۡاُوۡلٰى‏ 
(92:13) and to Us belong the Next Life and the present.8

8. This statement has several meanings and all are correct:

(1) That from the world till the Hereafter, you are nowhere beyond Our grasp, for Ours are both this and the next world.

(2) That both this world and the Hereafter are in any case under Our sovereignty, whether you follow the way shown by Us or not. If you adopt error, you will not harm Us but only yourselves; and if you adopt the right way, you will not do any good to Us, but will do good only to yourselves. Your disobedience cannot cause any decrease in Our sovereignty and your obedience cannot cause any increase in it.

(3) That We alone are Master of both the worlds. If you seek the world, We alone can grant it; and if you seek the well being of the Hereafter, We alone have the power to bestow it too.

This very theme has been expressed in Surah Aal-Imran, Ayat 145: Whoso makes effort with the intention of the reward of this world, We will reward him in this world, and whoso makes effort with the intention of the reward of the Hereafter, We shall grant him thereof. And the same has been expressed in Surah Ash-Shuara, Ayat 20, thus: Whoever seeks the harvest of the Hereafter, We do increase his harvest; and whoever seeks the harvest of this world, We do give him of it here, but in the Hereafter he will have no share at all. (For explanation, see (E.N. 105 of Surah Al-Imran); (E.N. 37 of Surah Ash-Shura).

فَاَنۡذَرۡتُكُمۡ نَارًا تَلَظّٰى​ۚ‏ 
(92:14) I have now warned you of a Blazing Fire,
لَا يَصۡلٰٮهَاۤ اِلَّا الۡاَشۡقَىۙ‏ 
(92:15) where none shall burn except the most wicked,
الَّذِىۡ كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلّٰىؕ‏ 
(92:16) who rejected the Truth, calling it falsehood and turned his back on it.
وَسَيُجَنَّبُهَا الۡاَتۡقَىۙ‏ 
(92:17) But the God-fearing shall be kept away from it,
الَّذِىۡ يُؤۡتِىۡ مَالَهٗ يَتَزَكّٰى​ۚ‏ 
(92:18) the Godfearing who spends his wealth to purify himself;9

9. This does not mean that no one will enter the fire except the most wretched one, and no one will be saved from it except the most pious one but the object is to describe the extremely contradictory fate of the two extremely contradictory characters. One of them is the person who belies the teachings of Allah and His Messenger and turns away from obedience; the other one is the person, who not only believes but also spends his wealth in the cause of Allah sincerely, without any desire for display and reputation, only in order to be regarded as a pure man in His eyes. Both these types of character were present in the Makkah society of that day. Therefore, without mentioning any name, the people have been told that the man of the first type of character only will burn in the fire of Hell and not the man of the second type of character. The man of the second type of character only will be kept away from it and not the man of the first type of character.

وَمَا لِاَحَدٍ عِنۡدَهٗ مِنۡ نِّعۡمَةٍ تُجۡزٰٓىۙ‏ 
(92:19) not as payment for any favours that he received,
اِلَّا ابۡتِغَآءَ وَجۡهِ رَبِّهِ الۡاَعۡلٰى​ۚ‏ 
(92:20) but only to seek the good pleasure of his Lord Most High.10

10. This is further explanation of the sincerity of the pious man. He was not indebted in any way to the people on whom he spends his wealth so that he may be doing so in order to repay for favors received, or may be giving gifts and holding banquets to them in order to further benefit from them, but he is helping such people only in order to seek the goodwill of his Lord, the Supreme. He was neither indebted to them before, nor he expects any favors from them in the future. Its best illustration is the act of Abu Bakr Siddiq, he would purchase and set free the poor slaves and slaves-girls who accepted Islam in Makkah and were cruelly treated by their masters on that account. Ibn Jarir and Ibn Asakir have related, on the authority of Amir bin Abdullah bin Zubair, that when Abu Bakr’s father saw him spending money to purchase the freedom of the poor slaves and slave-girls, he said to him: Son, I see that you are getting the weak people free; had you spent this money on the freedom of strong, young men, they would have become your helpers and supporters. Abu Bakr replied: Dear father, I only seek the reward that is with Allah.

وَلَسَوۡفَ يَرۡضٰى‏ 
(92:21) He will surely be well-pleased (with him).11

11. This verse can have two meanings and both are correct:

(1) That Allah certainly will be well pleased with him.

(2) That Allah soon will bless this man with so much that he will be happy.

 Surah Al-Layl 92:1-21 [1/1]

Al Quran 33:72

Al Quran 33:72


Al Fatiha

Al Fatiha

Mohamed Jibreel azkar

Surah 82. Al infitaar

Surah 82. Al infitaar
Jumadal Awwal...image 1

Surah 82. Al infitaar

Surah 82. Al infitaar
Jumadal Awwal...image 2

Jumada Al-Awwal. Surah 82 Al infitaar


Arabic and English Surah 81


Surah 81 English Translation


JUZ Amma Every Month

JUZ Amma Every Month 78. An-Naba’ (the Great News)..........Day 01 79. An-Nazi’at (Those Who Pull Out)..Day 02 80. ‘Abasa (He Frowned)........ Day 03 81. At-Takwir (the Overthrowing)...... Day 04 82. Al-Infitar (the Cleaving)................ Day 05 83. Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud... Day 06 84. Al-Inshiqaq (the Splitting Asunder)....... Day 07 85. Al-Buruj (the Stars).............. Day 08 86. At-Tariq (the Nightcomer) .......... Day 09 87. Al-A’la (the Most High). ........... Day 10 88. Al-Ghashiyah (the Overwhelming)....... Day 11 89. Al-Fajr (the Dawn)...............Day 12 90. Al-Balad (the City)................ Day 13 91. Ash-Shams (the Sun)............... Day 14 92. Al-Layl (the Night)................... Day 15 93. Adh-Dhuha (the Foroon).............. Day 16 94. Al-Inshirah (the Opening Forth... Day 17 95. At-Tin (the Fig)..................... Day 18 96. Al-‘Alaq....................... Day 19 97. Al-Qadar (the Night of Decree) .... Day 20 98. Al-Bayinah (the Proof)............... Day 21 99. Az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake) ... Day 22 100. Al-‘Adiyah (the Runners)........ Day 23 101. Al-Qari’ah (the Striking Hour) .... Day 24 102. At-Takathur (the Piling Up) ..... Day 25 103. Al-‘ ASR............................ Day 26 104. Al-Humazah (the Slanderer) .... Day 27 105. Al-Fil (the Elephant)........... Day 28 106. Quraish (Quraish)............ Day 29 107. Al-Ma’un (the Assistance).......Day 30 108. Al-Kauthar (the River of Abundance) ...Day 30 109. Al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers)...... Day 30 110. An-Nasr (the Help)..................... Day 30 111. Al-Masad (the Palm Fiber)...... Day 30 112. Al-Ikhlas (the Sincerity).............. Day 30 113. Al-Falaq (the Daybreak).............. Day 30 114. An-Nas (Mankind).............Day 30


English Al Fatiha






Al Quran 33:21

Al Quran 33:21
The Prophet

Abdul Basit Abdul Samad

Al Quran 37:180--182

Al Quran 37:180--182
Praise and Peace

After Maghrib and Before isha

After Maghrib and Before isha
One Surah Every Month


DAY 01-- SURAH 78...and so on

Monthly Surahs

Monthly Surahs
JUZ Amma

99 Names

99 Names

081. Surah Takwir


JUZ Amma Every Month

JUZ Amma Every Month
Day 01...Surah 78...and so on

Respect for Elders

Respect for Elders
Merciful to Children

Saa'a bi saa'a i سَاعَةً وَسَاعَةً ‏"‏ ‏.‏ ثَلاَثَ مَرَّاتٍ ‏.‏

فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏"‏ وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ إِنْ لَوْ تَدُومُونَ عَلَى مَا تَكُونُونَ عِنْدِي وَفِي الذِّكْرِ لَصَافَحَتْكُمُ الْمَلاَئِكَةُ عَلَى فُرُشِكُمْ وَفِي طُرُقِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ يَا حَنْظَلَةُ سَاعَةً وَسَاعَةً ‏"‏ ‏.‏ ثَلاَثَ مَرَّاتٍ ‏.‏ Thereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if your state of mind remains the same as it is in my presence and you are always busy in remembrance (of Allah), the Angels will shake hands with you in your beds and in your paths but, Hanzala, time should be devoted (to the worldly affairs) and time (should be devoted to prayer and meditation). He (the Holy Prophet) said this thrice.

J 1000

J 1000

J 2000

J 2000
J 2000

J 3000

J 3000
J 3000


Juz: 1--- Alif Lam meem
Surah: Al Faatiha - 1:1
Surah: Al Baqara - 2:141

Bismillah...New After Fajr System

Bismillah...New After Fajr System


Just One Juz. Everyday of the month.


Reciting Just ONE JUZ everyday of Month.


This Shawwal....Juz 28


Dhul Qa'adah...... Juz 27


Dhul Hijjah........... Juz 26


Muharram 1443......Juz 25


And so on...........


Just One Juz . Everyday of the month.

Juz Names...1 to 12

Juz Names...1 to 12

JuZu' 12 to 30

JuZu'  12 to 30

Al QURAN 30 JuZu'

Al QURAN 30 JuZu'
*JUST touch the links for revision of Al-Qur'an 30 juzu'.. No need to download, just click the links and listen to the Qur'an..*

Juz 1 ⇨
Juz 2 ⇨
Juz 3 ⇨
Juz 4 ⇨
Juz 5 ⇨
Juz 6 ⇨
Juz 7 ⇨
Juz 8 ⇨
Juz 9 ⇨
Juz 10 ⇨
Juz 11 ⇨
Juz 12 ⇨
Juz 13 ⇨
Juz 14 ⇨
Juz 15 ⇨
Juz 16 ⇨
Juz 17 ⇨
Juz 18 ⇨
Juz 19 ⇨
Juz 20 ⇨
Juz 21 ⇨
Juz 22 ⇨
Juz 23 ⇨
Juz 24 ⇨
Juz 25 ⇨
Juz 26 ⇨
Juz 27 ⇨
Juz 28 ⇨
Juz 29 ⇨
Juz 30 ⇨
*Please save and share to your groups.. may benefit other

Muslims as well...*

Abdulbari Mohammad

Bismillah. Qur'an Recitation. A Juz a day. or Juz AMMA daily.


Qur'an Recitation. A Juz a day or

Juz AMMA daily.

100 Commandments and Doctrines from the Quran

1. Do not be rude in speech (3:159)

2. Restrain anger (3:134)

3. Be good to others (4:36)

4. Do not be arrogant (7:13)

5. Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199)

6. Speak to people mildly (20:44)

7. Be moderate in your bearing and the volume of your speech (31:19)

8. Do not ridicule others (49:11)

9. Be dutiful to parents (17:23)

10. Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23)

11. Do not enter parents’ private room without asking permission (24:58)

12. Commit to writing any transaction involving the taking or giving of loans (2:282)

13. Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170)

14. Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard times (2:280)

15. Don’t be involved with usury or interest (2:275)

16. Do not engage in bribery (2:188)

17. Do not break any promise (2:177)

18. Keep and fulfil all trusts (2:283)

19. Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42)

20. Judge with justice between people (4:58)

21. Stand out firmly for justice (4:135)

22. Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members (4:7)

23. Women have the right of inheritance (4:7)

24. Do not take for yourself the property of orphans (4:10)

25. Protect orphans (2:220)

26. Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (4:29)

27. Facilitate peace between those in conflict (49:9)

28. Avoid being suspicious (49:12)

29. Spend wealth in charity (57:7)

30. Encourage feeding of the poor (107:3)

31. Seek out the needy and help them (2:273)

32. Do not spend money extravagantly (17:29)

33. Do not invalidate charity by bragging about your generosity (2:264)

34. Honor guests (51:26)

35. Enjoin virtue to others only after practicing it yourself (2:44)

36. Do not engage in or spread corruption (2:60)

37. Do not prevent people from going to houses of worship (2:114)

38. Never engage in fighting as an aggressor but only in defense (2:190)

39. Do not engage in compulsion regarding religion (2:256)

40. Believe in all prophets (2:285)

41. Do not have sexual intercourse during the menstrual period (2:222)

42. Do not commit adultery (17:32)

43. Choose leaders based on their merit (2:247)

44. God does not burden a person beyond his capacity; nor should we (2:286)

45. Do not become divided (3:103)

46. Think deeply about the wonders of nature and the creation of this universe (3:191)

47. Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds (3:195)

48. Do not marry those related to you by blood (4:23)

49. The man is the protector and supporter of the family (4:34)

50. Do not be miserly (4:37)

51. Do not envy others (4:54)

52. Do not support or be an advocate for those who betray their trusts (4:105)

53. Support one another in virtue and piety, not in sin or enmity (5:2)

54. Be just and do not let hatred swerve you from justice (5:8)

55. Do not consume dead animals, the blood of animals, or pork (5:3)

56. Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)

57. Do not gamble (5:90)

58. Do not insult other people’s deities (6:108)

59. Be honest; don’t cheat in any of your dealings (6:152)

60. Eat and drink but be not excessive (7:31)

61. Wear good clothing during prayer times (7:31)

62. Protect and help those who seek protection (9:6)

63. Strive for purity (9:108)

64. Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87)

65. Know that Allah forgives a wrong done out of ignorance if the person repents and corrects himself (16:119)

66. Inviting others to the way of God should be done with wisdom and graciousness (16:125)

67. No one can bear another person’s sins (17:15)

68. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)

69. Avoid vain talk (23:3)

70. Respect other people’s privacy, especially in their own homes (24:27)

71. Know that God provides security and peace to those who worship Him and act virtuously (24:55)

72. Be modest and humble (25:63)

73. Strive for reward in the Hereafter but do not neglect your affairs in this world (28:77)

74. Invoke not any other deity along with God (28:88)

75. Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29)

76. Enjoin the right and forbid the wrong (31:17)

77. Women should not display or flaunt their beauty and charms (33:33)

78. God forgives all sins when the sinner repents and turns to Him (39:53)

79. Repel evil by something that is better (41:34)

80. Decide affairs by consultation (42:38)

81. Know that there should be no monasticism in religion (57:27)

82. Those who have knowledge will be given a higher rank by God (58:11)

83. Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8)

84. Stay away from greed and stinginess (64:16)

85. Do not ignore or push away the needy (93:10)

86. Pardon and forgive the mistakes of others (3:135)

87. Establish prayer and give in charity (31:4)

88. Know that the bounty of God is better than anything man can amass or hoard (10:58)

89. God puts love and affection between the hearts of those who believe in Him (8:63)

90. Those who purify their souls succeed, and those who corrupt their souls fail (91:10)

91. Those who believe in God find satisfaction in remembering Him (13:28)

92. Those who believe and do good are given joy and peace of mind (13:29)

93. Enjoin patience and compassion (90:17)

94. Know that God gave humans hearing, sight, intelligence, and affections so that they might be grateful (16:78)

95. Compete with one another in doing good (21:90)

96. Know that God created the universe with meaning and purpose (3:191)

97. Guard your modesty (23:5)

98. Know that being just is next to piety (5:8)

99. Fight when necessary to defend yourselves but do not aggress (2:190)

100. Know that it is only righteousness that makes a person noble (49:13)



Iman , Zikr , Salah , Namaz


Muhammad ( SAW)

Al Qur'an , Sunnah , Fiqh , Hadith

ZAKAH , Siam - Ramadhan

Umrah , Hajj , Arabic , Makkah

Madeenah , Al Quds , Fajr , Dhuhur

ASR , Maghrib , Isha , Jumuah ,

Khutbah , Taraweeh , Tahhajud

Ihsan , Tauheed , Worship , Fasting

Charity , Sacrifice , iLm , Learning,

Education , Training , Service

Jihad fee SabeeliAllah , Striving

Da'wah.. Calling or inviting People

Masjid. , The Shari'a

Qur'an by the Length of Surahs

Qur'an by  the Length of  Surahs
How Long is the Surah ?

3 - Medium Surahs. Between 50 and 100 Ayats

3 - Medium Surahs. Between 50 and 100 Ayats
Between 50 and 100 Ayats

2 - Medium Surahs . Between 50 and 100 Ayats

2 - Medium Surahs . Between 50 and 100 Ayats
Between 50 and 100 Ayats

1 - Medium Surahs . Between 50 and 100 Ayats

1 - Medium Surahs . Between 50 and 100 Ayats
Between 50 and 100 Ayats

2 -- Long Surahs. More than 100 Ayats

2 -- Long Surahs. More than 100 Ayats
More than 100 Ayats

1 --Long Surahs. More than 100 Ayats

1 --Long Surahs. More than 100 Ayats
More than 100 Ayats

[ENG-SUB] Emotional Dua Qunut by Sheikh Jebril


Beginner's Basic Qur'an

Beginner's Basic Qur'an:
1-Al Quran S-001 ----Surah Al Fatiha
2--S -036 --- Surah Yaseen
3--S-- 055 --- Surah Ar-Rahman
4--J-30 -- The Whole of JUZ AMMA. (37 Surahs)
A TOTAL OF ONLY 40 Chapters /Surahs
(1+1+1+37=40 )
Beginner's Basic Qur'an

A different Juz Daily

A different Juz Daily
Fajr.... First Quarter (1/4)

Zuhr.... Second Quarter (2/4)

ASR....Third Quarter (3/4)

Between Maghrib and Isha
.... Last Quarter (4/4)

Daily Islamic Calendar Qur'an:

Daily Islamic Calendar Qur'an:

Day 01 --- Juz 01

Day 08 --- Juz 08

Day 15 --- Juz 15

Day 22 --- Juz 22

Last Day of the Month.

Day 30 --- Juz 30

We Make Sajdah al- Tilaawah at these Positions.

We Make Sajdah al- Tilaawah at these Positions.

Quran 7:206)
(Quran 13:15)
(Quran 16:49)
(Quran 17:107)
(Quran 19:58)
(Quran 22:18)

(Quran 22:77)
”(Quran 25:60)
. (Quran 27:25)
(Quran 32:15)

(Quran 38:24)
(Quran 41:37)
(Quran 53:62)

(Quran 84:21)

(Quran 96:19)



if you have facts or information at your fingertips, you know them thoroughly and can refer to them quickly

78. An-Naba’ (the Great News)
79. An-Nazi’at (Those Who Pull Out)
80. ‘Abasa (He Frowned)
81. At-Takwir (the Overthrowing)
82. Al-Infitar (the Cleaving)
83. Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud)
84. Al-Inshiqaq (the Splitting Asunder)
85. Al-Buruj (the Stars)
86. At-Tariq (the Nightcomer)
87. Al-A’la (the Most High)
88. Al-Ghashiyah (the Overwhelming)
89. Al-Fajr (the Dawn)
90. Al-Balad (the City)
91. Ash-Shams (the Sun)
92. Al-Layl (the Night)
93. Adh-Dhuha (the Forenoon)
94. Al-Inshirah (the Opening Forth)
95. At-Tin (the Fig)
96. Al-‘Alaq (the Clot)
97. Al-Qadar (the Night of Decree)
98. Al-Bayinah (the Proof)
99. Az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake)
100. Al-‘Adiyah (the Runners)
101. Al-Qari’ah (the Striking Hour)
102. At-Takathur (the Piling Up)
103. Al-‘Asr (the Time)
104. Al-Humazah (the Slanderer)
105. Al-Fil (the Elephant)
106. Quraish (Quraish)
107. Al-Ma’un (the Assistance)
108. Al-Kauthar (the River of Abundance)
109. Al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers)
110. An-Nasr (the Help)
111. Al-Masad (the Palm Fiber)
112. Al-Ikhlas (the Sincerity)
113. Al-Falaq (the Daybreak)
114. An-Nas (Mankind)

87. Al-A’la (the Most High)
88. Al-Ghashiyah (the Overwhelming)
89. Al-Fajr (the Dawn)
90. Al-Balad (the City)
91. Ash-Shams (the Sun)
92. Al-Layl (the Night)
93. Adh-Dhuha (the Forenoon)
94. Al-Inshirah (the Opening Forth)
95. At-Tin (the Fig)
96. Al-‘Alaq (the Clot)
97. Al-Qadar (the Night of Decree)
98. Al-Bayinah (the Proof)
99. Az-Zalzalah (the Earthquake)
100. Al-‘Adiyah (the Runners)
101. Al-Qari’ah (the Striking Hour)
102. At-Takathur (the Piling Up)
103. Al-‘Asr (the Time)
104. Al-Humazah (the Slanderer)
105. Al-Fil (the Elephant)
106. Quraish (Quraish)
107. Al-Ma’un (the Assistance)
108. Al-Kauthar (the River of Abundance)
109. Al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers)
110. An-Nasr (the Help)
111. Al-Masad (the Palm Fiber)
112. Al-Ikhlas (the Sincerity)
113. Al-Falaq (the Daybreak)
114. An-Nas (Mankind)


Braille Qur'an

Braille Qur'an
For the Blind